New Chapter

Today is my first day in my new position as a tenure track faculty Instruction/Reference Librarian at the College of Southern Nevada. To say that I’m overwhelmed would be a major understatement. I had to go to HR and sign up for all my benefits, which I haven’t had to do in years since I’ve gotten all of the through my husband. At 6PM this evening I also have an online Information Session for ESU and the cohort program that I’m trying to get started in Las Vegas. I sent that info to the Nevada Library Association’s Social Media Librarian to put out.

I was surprised when she told me that there was someone that had a lawsuit against ESU years ago and had settled, kept posting links to the NLA social media pages that had all of the trail information. Because of this lawsuit several people lost their jobs, and rightfully so. I kind of feel like since she got exactly what she was asking for I would have thought that would have been the end of it. Apparently not.

I sent an email to the current Dean of ESU and told him that this person had been posting links like that on the NLA pages and he wasn’t surprised since she has been doing the same thing to the ESU pages and several other state library pages that have cohorts or are trying to get cohorts started. I totally understand that she was hurt by the words and actions of former ESU employees and she has every right to be. Personally, if I were in her position I don’t think I would be spending my time so focused on bad mouthing a program that existed long before she was born. I would love to say that I would try to focus my energy on something positive, but to each their own.

Getting used to this new schedule is going to be a little difficult for me. I have worked for several years closing the libraries so I could sleep in and I wouldn’t have to get to the library until later in the afternoon. This worked out well between my husband and me, since he works a show schedule. When my brother moved in since he does shows too, it worked out well for all of us. Now I am going to be working the weird schedule in my house, even though it is normal to the rest of the world. It is probably going to take longer than I would like for me to adjust, but it will happen eventually.

I am so excited to have this job. I even get my own office with a large window. Right now it is overlooking construction, but starting in the fall there will be the new student union out my window along with some trees, plants, and tables. I feel silly that I’ve been taking pictures of my new business cards, plaque outside my office with my name, and phone line, but I probably won’t ever have anything like this again so I’m going to take advantage of it and try to savor it as much as I possibly can!

I guess I should mention too that I was so excited about my first day that I broke out in hives but only on the right side of my body. Weird, I know.

The view out of my office window right now! It will be better when the construction is done, but it’s still exciting!