
I have a very hard time interviewing and I have finally figured out why. I am a pretty animated person and I don’t have any issue getting some sort of affirmation from people, but when I’m interviewing that isn’t the case. The panel of interviewers usually can’t react to what you are saying and when people don’t react it makes me very uncomfortable because I feel like I haven’t answer their question well enough so I will reiterate what I said in a different way and this is when I tend to lose them. I have been working to improve this, but sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me.

Recently I have had the chance to interview for a position that I really want. I haven’t heard back yet but I’m still keeping my fingers crossed. I rehearsed for this interview with multiple people leading up to it and I actually had another interview a week before this for a job that I didn’t really want, just so I could practice. Another thing I did was I went had my chakras balanced and while my interview was going on someone was doing reiki for me. I had never had anything like that done before and it was very interesting. The woman that was doing balancing my chakras is a spiritual healer named Brooke and she told me some very interesting things about myself. She asked me why I was always so hesitant to spend money and I thought about the situation that I was in at that moment. I had told my husband that I was going to run errands and left it at that because I figured that he would think that it was silly that I was spending money to get my chakras balanced before my interview. I told her that I was worried about the Christmas present that I bought him too. I sent money to for a camping trip for us to go on, which he would never do. The reason I did this is because I am very uncomfortable with camping and I wanted to make sure that everything would be alright. He loved that I was open to doing it and is looking forward to going. I told him after my session with Brooke what I had my chakras balanced and he said anything that I can do to make myself feel better is totally fine with him.

I know that I’ll hear in the next week if I got this job or not. Hopefully all of my efforts have paid off. There aren’t many things that I am terrible at and that I’ve had to work this hard at to improve. I know that this is going to have to be something that I continue to work on even when I’m not hunting for a job or I’ll go back to being an absolute disaster, and that isn’t something that I can afford to do.