About me!

Hello! My name is Gracie and I am a librarian in Las Vegas, Nevada but I used to work in the entertainment industry. I have quite a few unique interests that I want to share with you. I love my pets (I love everyone’s pets, tbh) but I love my pets most of all and I’ll share LOTS of pictures of them. I met my husband when I worked for Cirque du Soleil. He still works there but he is going to school right now to be a nurse. Halloween is my favorite holiday and love horror movies. This blog doesn’t have a specific purpose since I am interested in many different things. I have 3 dogs and 3 rabbits which I talk about all the time. I will post lots of pictures of them so get ready! 2 of my rabbits I got from a rescue in California called Bunny Bunch http://www.bunnybunch.org/pages/.  One of the I rescued off the street here in Las Vegas. I was planning on just fostering her, but that was before I educated about how many rabbits are abandoned and are looking for homes. Seriously, there are thousands of them every year because people buy them a swap meets and pet stores and don’t realize how much work goes into taking care of rabbits and how long the actually live. I’ll go more into detail about that during a later post. Their names are Gene, Louise, and Tina. Yes, from Bob’s Burgers and their personalities match perfectly! Tina is actually the youngest and the one that I found on the street and I feel like that is why she is so awkward. Lol!

I’m trying to grow food for my rabbits in my back yard. This isn’t the easiest thing to do since a typical day during the summer is above 115 degrees and all the plants catch on fire if they are in the sun for more than a few minutes (slight exaggeration, but only slight). I’m still trying out differ things. Hopefully I’ll get it right soon because it would save me quite a bit of money feeding the bunnies.

One thing I’m (along with probably everyone else on the planet) is be healthier. I was a vegetarian for 12 years. I started eating meat again several years ago because I have a few health issues and a doctor told me that I needed to start eating meat again to have a better-balanced diet. I kind of regret that I listened now. I’m trying to eat more of a plant-based diet which isn’t always the easiest since my husband was born and raised in Nebraska and only ate meat and potatoes until he came to Las Vegas. He will try anything that I make but doesn’t always enjoy it. It’s an on-going process.

Another thing I am planning on doing this upcoming year is to be better about planning. I think it will help keep me organized, which I could absolutely use. My friend Emilee https://poetinprocess.com/tag/emilee-wirshing/does Passion Planners https://passionplanner.com. I have one, but tbh, I find it a little intimidating. There is so much blank space in them and every inch has a specific purpose. There are also multiple pages where you are supposed to write down your goal for the next 5-10 years. I’m lucky if I have goals for the next month. I found a planner/journal company called Conquest Journals https://conquestjournal.comand not only are their planners fandom based but there are also graphics around the edges. I got a Harry Potter planner, but they also have Supernatural and Walking Dead. I absolutely love Harry Potter. I started a Harry Potter book club at my library for the teens and tweens. We finished the entire series and we are now working through the Percy Jackson series. I am also the Chapter Organizer for the Harry Potter Alliance in Las Vegas called Patronus Charms.

I’m reading a book right now called Tribe of Mentors https://tribeofmentors.comby Tim Ferriss https://tim.blog. I was at work and I was looking for an online book to read. Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors, so I was looking to see what the library had online from him and Tribe of Mentors came up. Tim Ferriss had emailed questions to hundreds of influential people, Neil Gaiman being one of them. I started reading and Tim Urban https://waitbutwhy.com/wait-but-who is one of the first writers. I had never heard of him or Tim Ferriss, but it’s interesting how certain books come into your life at exactly the right moment. Both Tim Urban and Tim Ferriss are very prominent bloggers just when I was thinking about starting my blog. I have been told by many people for years that I should start a blog, but since I didn’t (and still don’t) have a specific direction I want to take it in I needed a little push and guidance and it seems like I am now getting it from several directions. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it!